Niji Live 1週間無料お試し申し込みフォーム
Niji Live Trial Register Form

お客様登録フォーム /Customer Register Form

下記にお客様情報をご登録ください /Please fill your details below

※宅配時の宅配先住所となります /※Package will be deliver to this address

※携帯番号のみ入力してください /※Input only phone number

ご利用規約 商品(Niji Liveシリーズ)を、ご利用頂く場合は以下の規約が適用となります。

貸主と、お客様との間にはNiji Live 使用契約(以下「本件契約」という)が締結されます。 

本件契約に従い、貸主はお客様に対してNiji Liveシリーズ商品並びにリモコン(以下総して「本件商品」という)をレンタルします。 

(1) 契約期間はお客様が選択された期間とします。 
(2) 契約期間後は、1週間以内に本件商品を受け取られた店舗にご返却下さい。 

(1) 基本使用料のお支払いは、一括又は、分割払いとし現金もしくはクレジットカードでのお支払いとなります
(2) 本件契約の記載の契約終了の1カ月前迄にご契約終了もしくは更新の意思表示をお願いする。 当初の契約と同様の内容でご案内致しますので現金もしくはクレジットカードでのお支払いをお願します。
(3) 契約期間中の途中解約には、解除料および違約金はかからないものとします。但し、本件商品返却にかかる費用はお客様のご負担となります。
(4) 途中解約での返金については、その都度協議するものとします

(1) 本件商品は、基本的に店頭での手渡しとしますが、お客様の要望により配送による受け取りが可能です。基本料金の決済が確認された後、3営業日以内に本件商品をお客様へ発送します。配送費用は貸主が負担致します。 
(2) お客様が本件商品の引き渡しを受けた後、3営業日以内に本件商品の性能の欠陥を通知をしなかった場合は、本件商品は通常の性能を整えた状態でお客様に引き渡されたものとします。 

(1) 契約期間中、お客様の責任によらない理由により生じた性能の欠陥により本件商品が正常に動作しない場合は、以下の手順により修理または交換するものとします。
1. 取り扱い店舗にその旨を通知し、当該商品(全ての付属品を含む)をお引き渡し下さい。 
2. お取り扱い店舗は、お客様から本件商品を受け取った場合は、代用品を速やかにお渡しします。 
(2) 以下の事由により本件商品の動作や性能に問題が生じた場合は、お客様の責任となります。 1. 異なる仕様で本件商品を使用した場合。 
2. バージョンの異なるオペレーティングシステムをインストールした場合。 
3. お客様が独自に周辺装置(ハードディスク・メモリ・SCSIカード等)を増設した場合において、それらをインストールまたは増設して使用された場合やこれら以外の改造も含みます。

7(蓄積データの管理) お客様が本件商品へデータの蓄積を行った場合、いかなる場合もデータの損失および損壊に関し、貸主は一切の責任は負いません。 
8(原状回復義務) 本契約期間中にお客様の故意または過失による故障および紛失等が発生した場合は、お客様の責任と負担において原状回復するものとします。原状回復が不可能な場合、お客様は本件商品の代金を賠償するものとします。 

(1) お客様は本件商品を善良なる管理者の注意をもって契約期間中管理し、本来の目的以外に使用しないでください。
(2) 許可なく本件商品の他人に譲渡、質入れ等の処分をしてはなりません。本件商品を分解、改造、修理、調整、貼り付けされた所有権を明示する標識、調整済みの標識等を除去し毀損する等しない事とします。 
(3) 本件商品の設置、保管、使用によって第三者が損害を破った場合にはお客様がこれを賠償するものとします。 

10(本件商品の滅失) 本件商品が天災地変、その他不可抗力の場合を含め滅失し、または毀損、損傷して修理、修復不可能となったときは、お客様はその旨を通知し、その事情が認められた場合は本件契約は終了します。 


(1) 本件商品のプログラムに関しての次の行為をしてはいけない事とします。 
1. 有償、無償を問わず、プログラムの全部または一部を第三者に譲渡し、もしくはその再使用権を設定し、または複製し、第三者に使用させること。 
2. プログラムの全部または一部を複製、プログラムの変更または改作すること。 
(2) プログラムの保管あるいは使用に起因して損害が発生した場合は、お客様のご負担で賠償して頂きます。 

13(通知・報告事項等) お客様は、住所、契約内容等の本件契約の内容に変更がある場合、その都度通知する事とします。 

(1) お客様が本件契約を終了する場合は、契約満了1ヶ月前(営業時間内・休業日には翌営業日)までに貸主へ申請を行うものとします。 
(2) 契約満了に伴う契約終了希望の場合、契約満了後、1週間以内に本件商品をお客様の責任と負担で貸主の指定する場所へ持参もしくは送付して返却するものとします。 
(3) お客様の都合により本件商品の返却が遅れた場合、お客様は契約満了日から本件商品が返却された日までの期間について、基本使用料を1ヵ月30日とする日割り計算にて支払うものとします。 

15(機密保持) お客様は、本件商品の性能・機能等を他へ漏洩しないものとします。 

16(情報) 契約期間中、またはお客様が本件商品を返却した後であるか否かに関わらず、また本件商品返却の理由の如何を問わず、本件商品の内部に記憶されているいかなる情報についても、返還、修復、削除、賠償などの請求をせず、かつ著作権、ノウハウ、その他の知的所有権の行使をしないものとします。 

17 (変更) お客様への事前の通知や承諾を得ず、事情によりご利用規約は変更されることがあります。この場合、変更後の内容が適用されるものとします。 

Personal Data Protection Statement
This Personal Data Protection Statement (“Statement”) outlines the policy of Will Telecom (Thailand) CO., LTD. and its group of companies (collectively “Willfon-Thai”) with regards to our compliance with the requirements of Thailand. For more information about the Personal Data Protection, please email us: For the purpose of this Statement, “we”, “our” and “us” shall refer to Willfon-Thai. 1. Collection of Personal Data Generally, we may collect your personal data in various ways including the following: when you subscribe to, purchase or use our products and/or services; when you submit an application form or other forms relating to our products and services; when you take part or respond to any contests, surveys, promotions or other initiatives conducted by us; when you participate in any of our television or online programmes; when you visit our websites or use our mobile applications; when you interact with our customer service officers, for example, via telephone calls, letters, face-to-face meetings and emails; when you request we contact you; when you submit your personal data to us for any other reasons. 2. Use of Personal Data Generally, the personal data which you provide to us may be collected, used, disclosed and/or processed by Willfon-Thai for the following purposes: To respond to your requests; To provide goods and services to you; To verify and process your personal particulars and payment; To send you notices, information, promotions and updates including marketing and advertising materials in relation to our goods and services and those of third party organizations selected by us; For research and analysis, including surveys and polls; To comply with law, the requests of law enforcement and regulatory officials, or orders of court; For any other purposes for which we have obtained your consent or which are permitted under law. 3. Security of Personal Data Willfon-Thai will take reasonable measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, and to destroy any personal data that is no longer required to be retained. 4. Access to your Personal Data Willfon-Thai may upon your written request provide you with an account of your personal data which is in our possession. Please note that Willfon-Thai reserves the right to charge a reasonable administrative fee for processing such requests. 5. Withdrawal of consent If you wish to withdraw your consent for our use of your Personal Data, you may do so in the following ways: For any other queries regarding Willfon-Thai’s handling of your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer as follows: Email: Write in: Willfon-Thai Officer Will Telecom (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Willfon-Thai) Promsak Mansion No.5, Room 403, Sukhumvit 39 Klongton-nua Wattana Bangkok10110 Thailand Tel.: (+66)080-480-7979 Do note that the withdrawal of consent is subject to all applicable laws and applicable terms and conditions. 6. General 6.1 Applicability For the avoidance of doubt, this Statement does not apply to the practices of companies that we do not own or control, or to people that we do not employ or manage. Our websites and mobile applications may contain links to other websites. Please note that we are not responsible for the personal data protection policies of such other websites. 6.2 Changes to this Statement Willfon-Thai may amend this Statement from time to time. Please check this Statement regularly for updated information on the handling of your personal data. 6.3 Willfon-Thai Privacy Policy for websites If you access any Willfon-Thai websites, you may also wish to refer to the respective privacy policies at each of our websites. 6.4 Governing Law This Statement shall be governed by the laws of Thailand.

Privacy Policy
Willfon-Thai respects your privacy. This document outlines our privacy policy for the Willfon-Thai group of companies. What this Privacy Policy covers This Privacy Policy covers our treatment of personal data that we may collect when you interact with us, submit information to us, access and/or use our products or services (such as but not limited to online and mobile websites, applications, and other digital services) (collectively, the "Willfon-Thai Services"). This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that we do not own or control, or to people that we do not employ or manage. Willfon-Thai Services may contain links to other websites, applications and other services. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites, applications and other services and we advise you to read the privacy statements of such websites, applications and other services you visit which collects personal information. What is the information used for? Your personal data will be collected, used, disclosed and/or processed by us for the following purposes: To send you notices, information, promotions and updates including marketing and advertising materials in relation to our goods and services and those of third-party organizations selected by us. To provide goods and services by us or by our designated representatives and/or business partners to you or to parties designated by you and matters ancillary thereto. To verify and process payment when you purchase goods and services from us. For verification and record of your personal particulars including comparing it with information from other sources and using the information to communicate with you. To conduct statistical analysis of the users of the Willfon-Thai Services including the number of users, the frequency of use, profile of users and using such analysis for our business plans, the enhancement of our products and services, targeted advertisements and conveying such information in broad terms (but not information in relation to specific individuals) to third parties who have or propose to have business dealings with us. To comply with any request from any third party or any order of court or directive from authorities investigating any alleged offence, misdeeds and/or abuse or for the purposes of taking legal action against any users. Can you opt out? In the event that you wish for us to discontinue the collection, use, disclosure and/or processing of your personal data for any of the above purposes, you may also write in to us at to inform us of the same. Whenever we send you any marketing information, we will include instructions on how to unsubscribe. For example, our e-newsletters will have unsubscribed links. Can you access or correct your personal data? You may update your personal information at any time by accessing your account(s) with us or by writing in to us at to inform us of the same. Will your personal information be shared with anyone? We will not sell or rent your personal information to anyone. We will only share your personal details with a third party for the purposes and situations as described above, or for other purposes where we have your consent to do so. For the avoidance of doubt, you consent to: (a) Willfon-Thai and/or Willfon-Thai’s group companies collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing your personal data for the purposes and situations as described above; (b) Willfon-Thai and/or Willfon-Thai’s group companies transferring your personal data out of Thailand to HDTELECOM’s and/or WILL’s group companies’ third-party service providers or agents for the purposes and situations as described above. How is your data protected? We will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal data are protected from unauthorized access and other similar risks. Access to your account(s) is password protected. Thus, no other party, including Willfon-Thai employees, can change the information. However, you must remember to log off from your account and close the browser window after use so that no unauthorized party can have access. You are responsible for the safe-keeping of your password. You must not, at any time, disclose your password to any third party. We will not be responsible and you agree that you will not hold us responsible for any losses or damage incurred by you whatsoever caused by your non-compliance to any of the foregoing. All information gathered by Willfon-Thai is stored in systems that may only be accessed by authorised Willfon-Thai staff using assigned user ids and passwords. In certain areas, Willfon-Thai uses industry-standard SSL-encryption to protect data transmissions. Changes to this Privacy Policy Willfon-Thai may amend this policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information, we will notify you by posting an announcement on our platforms. You agree that such posting will constitute sufficient and adequate notice to you of the changes. You agree that your continued use of our products and services after such amendment will constitute your acceptance of and agreement to be bound by the modified policy. Use of cookies, web beacons and other user and ad-targeting technologies When you access, use and/or interact with the Willfon-Thai Services, we or our authorized service providers may use "cookies", “web beacons” and other tracking technologies where small data files are sent to your browser, application or device to store and track information about you. The cookies, web beacons and other tracking technologies are used to track information such as the number of users and their frequency of use, online behavioral data, profiles of users and their preferred sites. They enable our own system to recognize you when you visit us again, enhance your web-viewing experience and allow for more effective online targeted advertising. You may accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings in your browser, application or device, if the browser, application or device so permits. However, note that you may not be able to use all interactive features on the Willfon-Thai Services if cookies have been disabled completely. While this cookie can tell us when you interact with the Willfon-Thai Services and which pages you visit, it cannot access other data including from your computer or storage device and it does not contain information intended to identify you personally. Willfon-Thai does not utilize persistent cookies to track, or target advertisements to, persons who are resident in the European Union. Release This policy is subject to any existing laws of Thailand in relation to the protection of information and if required by any lawful authority for any legal purposes such as the enforcement of any laws or to prevent the breaching of any laws, we shall release all such information as is legally required by the requisite and lawful authority in accordance with the directions of the lawful court of the competent jurisdiction. Contact Willfon-Thai If you would like to request access to your personal data held by us, or you would like to contact us for any reason regarding our privacy policy or practices, please contact our Data Protection Officer at: Will Telecom (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Willfon-Thai) Promsak Mansion No.5, Room 403, Sukhumvit 39 Klongton-nua Wattana Bangkok10110 Thailand Tel: 080-480-7979

Terms & Conditions
Channel-J Terms of Use 1. Contract Period a. The contract period is selected by the customer. b. Before the period expires, the customer must return the item to the store where the product was received within one week of the contract’s expiration. 2. Usage fees a. The customer must pay the sum of the basic charge and phone call charges by check, cash or credit card. (Phone call charges are for M-Type devices only) b. Basic fee payment can be made all at once or monthly. Even if a one-time payment has been made, if there is a phone call charge, payment must be made for it during the next month of use. c. Credit card If the lender is not notified of the customer’s intention to terminate the contract by one month before the end of the contract period described in the contract, it will be automatically renewed under the same terms as the original contract. (only for Monthly payment) Check, cash Please pay by check at or office or by postal mail. d. There shall be no cancellation fee and no penalty for termination during the term of the contract. However, the cost for returning the product to our store will be borne by the customer. e. If the customer is renting more than one device, cancellation of the first device will incur transfer of charge to the second device. 3. Overdue fees In the unlikely event that payment of the basic rate is delayed, the customer may be re if the return of the Goods is delayed after the termination of the Contract, the period between the contract expiration date and the day the Goods are returned will incur a prorated charge using a base rate of 30 days per month. 4. Cancellation of contract The contract will be cancelled when the following applies. In that case, the customer may be required to return the product at a designated place by bringing or sending the product at customer’s expense, and to pay unpaid charges and penalties. a. If the customer fails to pay the basic charge and phone call charges for a month. b. If the device has been used outside Thailand. c. If check payment has not cleared. d. When there is a petition for bankruptcy. e. If the customer does not perform the necessary preservation of the Products. f. In breach of the Terms & Conditions. If the lender determines that other reasons described in the preceding items have occurred. Throughout the period of the contract, no refund will be given for cancellation. 5. Renewal, expiration date a. If the customer wishes to terminate the contract, notice shall be made at least one month before the contract period expiration (within business hours, or the next business day in the case of a holiday). b. If the customer terminates the contract, within 1 week of the contract expiration the product shall be returned or returned to the place designated by the lender at the customer’s own expense. c. If the return of the Products is delayed, the Customer shall pay the basic fee of 30 days a day on a pro-rated basis for the period from the contract expiration date to the date on which the Product is returned. 6. Secrecy The customer shall not leak the performance, functions, etc. of this product to others. 7. Information Regardless of whether or not the contract has expired, or after the customer has returned the Product, any information stored within the Product may be erased, regardless of the reason for the return of the Product. The Company shall not make claims for restoration, deletion, compensation, etc., and shall not exercise copyright, know-how or other intellectual property rights. 8 Change Terms and conditions may be changed without prior notice or consent to the customer. In such case, the changed content shall apply.